Thursday, March 27, 2025

How to Train My Dog

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PetsNotebook Staff
PetsNotebook Staff
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Having a dog can be one of the most wonderful things you can do with your life, a dog is a faithful friend that will accompany you for many years and thanks to which you will always have a noble, loyal and affectionate pet.

However, on some occasions, we can find dogs that are a little more rebellious than normal. For example, we can adopt a dog that is already a few months old and that is not well educated, this dog will mess things up at home, it will not obey us and in extreme cases it may even try to bite us.

As we have seen, having an untrained dog can be a serious problem, which is why good training is essential so that the dog respects you, loves you, behaves and obeys you.

A dog that has been properly trained will be a very good puppy that will never give you problems, even if you follow advanced training, it will be able to perform tricks and obey complex commands such as sit or jump.

It is possible and not very complicated to properly educate a dog; you just have to take into account certain considerations. If you want to learn how to train a dog, we are going to explain it to you in detail as always.

What do you need to train my dog?

  • A dog.
  • Dog-food.
  • Some authority.
  • A dog-toy.
  • Money for dog trainer.
  • A muzzle for dangerous breeds.

Instructions to train my dog

  1. Choose the breed: The education of the dog will be variable according to its breed; it is not the same to educate a Pit-bull than a Dachshund. As a summary, tell you that dangerous breeds are usually more difficult to deal with than docile breeds.
  2. Show him who is in charge: When dogs arrive, especially if they are male, they think they are the owners of the house and that you must obey them. You must show that you are the head of the house and that he has to obey your orders so that he begins to respect you. We can do all of this without aggressiveness, we will only scold the dog when it does something we don’t like, such as getting on the sofa or trying to eat our food.
  3. Teach him behavior: Dogs work by anchors, that is, they must associate good attitudes with rewards and bad attitudes with punishments. For example, if your dog does something you like, you can give him something to eat that he likes or pet him, and you can also play with him as a reward. If he does something wrong we must, as I said before, punish him without aggressiveness, the method that works best for me is to withdraw my attention from the dog and in this way he will do everything possible to return that attention.
  4. Teach places: The dog has to know how to distinguish between the house, your place, his place and the street. If the dog correctly distinguishes the places, he will know where he has to relieve himself, where he has to eat, where he has to sleep and where he does not have to be Take the dog for a walk 3 times a day at a fixed time and after a month he will stop doing his business at home to do it on the street, when he does it at home we must punish him again. Then we must accommodate a small bed for him to sleep, a suitable place for his food from him and forbid him to enter somewhere, all this always done with the trick of reward and punishment.
  5. Professional trainers: This is the best option, since a professional will teach him obedience and respect towards you. The trainer will do weekly exercises and will explain how you have to do them; the courses are usually quite expensive but quite effective. Then you can opt for advanced courses to learn defense techniques or acrobatics.

Tips to train my dog

  • Tree that grows crooked never straightens its trunk: This is a fragment of a song, but it makes a lot of sense. Speaking in silver, what I want to say is that if we wait too long to make the dog educated, then we will no longer be able to educate him correctly and it will pass of us. Instead, we must straighten him when he is still a puppy (less than a year and a half old) since then the dog will be fully educated and will maintain his habits forever.
  • Dangerous breeds: Special care must be taken with these breeds, although some have a docile nature and are good; they often have problems with other dogs or strangers since they have enormous strength with which they can hurt even when playing. In these cases I always recommend the trainer and take the dog legally, that is, with its leash, its muzzle and its dangerous breed papers.

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