Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Manta Fish – Facts and Information

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The manta fish is one of the largest fish in the world, it can weigh up to 1,300 kilos and its maximum size is 10 meters. It is a fish that feeds on small fish and crustaceans, generally at the bottom of the seas. It is called manta fish because of its large and long fins that have the sides in the shape of a manta. Its scientific name is Manta bigotries.

These large fins allow them to travel great distances and reach speeds of 30 kilometers per hour. Its upper part is usually black and the lower part is light white. Their big mouth is in the front and their eyes on the sides, they are very calm fish. They have very small teeth about the size of half a grain of rice along their large mouth.

They will never attack humans despite being a family of sharks, they generally travel in groups. They are scattered in all the seas of the world and sometimes when they want to mate they jump out of the water. It is a very beautiful sight to see how they come out of the water with their large fins extended.

Some people who travel on large ships have managed to capture it on camera and it is very nice to see them. They have a whip-shaped tail and their body does not have bones like other fish in the seas. Their entire body is made up of very flexible cartilage that allows them to move their entire body in the majestic way they do.

On many beaches in Spain they have approached the shore in large numbers and this has made lifeguards alert. Placing more delimitation for the safety of bathers and to also protect the small hatchlings of the manta fish.

This is due to the destruction of its natural habitat by human beings, discriminated fishing and global warming; therefore, some institutions have dedicated themselves to building hatcheries for these fish. Its main predator is the human being and the sharks being this family of its species. These fish reproduce in the midst of great competition since there are more males than females.

The males have several penises, and the one that wins the female inseminates her through her pelvic part for a few minutes. Then, it takes about 12 to 9 months to give birth to the new manta fish pups and their lifespan is about 25 years. Some people have fished it to cook and make delicious dishes with its meat, which is very soft and has no bones.

In Spain the most famous dishes are: squat de ray in Tarragona, ray with tomato, ray with paprika from Huelva and in caldeirada. On the other hand, we must know and identify these fish since they have more or less 600 species of manta fish.

There is a species known as rays that are very similar but have a very poisonous stinger. With a size of up to 50 centimeters, which is carried horizontally in the tail and when nothing is not very noticeable?


  1. If you are one of the people who practice diving and you find many manta fish.
  2. Do not get too close to them because you may be in the presence of a manta ray fish.
  3. They are very similar but the manta ray fish has a deadly stinger that has a very toxic poison.
  4. Their bodies are similar and they belong to the same family but they have some differences.
  5. The manta fish has its largest mouth and it is located in the front part of its body.
  6. The manta ray fish has a mouth on the bottom of its body and its teeth are larger.
  7. Both fish feed on seedlings, small fish, and crustaceans and mollusks.
  8. Despite having this stinger on their tail, manta rays are not violent fish that will attack you.
  9. They only use this to defend themselves from their predators, but on some occasions they have attacked humans.
  10. Recall the death of the famous crocodile hunter, who was attacked during filming and died.
  11. The manta ray fish felt threatened by the proximity of Mr. Steve Irwin and his camera.
  12. That’s why he thought he was a shark and attacked him, giving him several perforations to his lung and a lethal one to his heart.
  13. That is why I recommend that if you are swimming or diving near these fish, do it at a distance of 10 meters.
  14. Also some people who bathe in beaches or rivers have stepped on this fish and it responds with its sting.
  15. Placing it vertically and directing its attack with its whip-shaped tail.
  16. If a manta ray fish penetrates you with its sting, you will feel terrible pain and a lot of fatigue.
  17. You should check because this sometimes breaks and remains embedded in your skin.
  18. If you are diving, get out of the water immediately because this pain can make you pass out and lose consciousness.
  19. Put hot water compresses on the wound, as hot as your skin can withstand it.
  20. And go immediately to the first care center to be treated by a specialist.
  21. Whenever you go diving you have to carry a first aid kit type suitcase to assist you in case of attack or accident.

What do you need:

  • Portable water heater.
  • First aid box.
  • Diving equipment.
  • Towel cloth compresses.
  • Ginger.
  • Onion.
  • Garlic.
  • Peroxide.
  • Ron.
  • Sugar.


  1. Remember the manta fish is extremely tame and docile. It does not represent any danger regardless of its size, as long as it is not disturbed.
  2. But the manta ray fish is very similar and belongs to the same species, but it has a poisonous and deadly stinger.
  3. The manta fish eats a lot of fish and seedlings, so it is not exhibited in many aquariums,  only in three aquariums in the world.
  4. Manta ray fish can be seen in many aquariums around the world and it is very important that you know them well.
  5. So that when diving or vacationing on a beach or river you can be very careful.
  6. They are not aggressive though, but they will respond to your stimuli and use their natural tools to defend themselves.
  7. In many countries of the world they fish it not only for its meat but also to get the famous blanket oil.
  8. They put their liver to boil for 6 hours until all the water dries up and then only the oil is left.
  9. This oil is very rich in omega 3and is widely used for consumption as a guard against bad cholesterol.
  10. It also cleanses the lungs, cures dry cough and bronchial asthma. Improving the airways.
  11. On the other hand, you must be very careful when treating the sting of the manta ray or you can suffer severe skin necrosis.
  12. Your foot or arm will turn black as a result of the puncture and the toxicity of its poison.
  13. As the hours pass, this poison rises or spreads through your skin, causing the tissues to rot.
  14. The doctor will prescribe very strong antibiotics and antiallergics to prevent them from having to amputate the leg or arm.
  15. If you receive the puncture in the part of the trunk or the head, the situation is much more complicated.
  16. Then, you will have to undergo surgery in the next few days, to remove the dead skin from your body.
  17. This should only be done with specialists and not on an outpatient basis, as it is extremely delicate.
  18. The wound is then closed and stitches are taken to keep the skin closed and not exposed to the environment.
  19. You should also apply creams with broad-spectrum antibiotics and antifungals to help with healing.
  20. Many people have lost their leg or arm because after the puncture they put on a tourniquet.
  21. This causes the poison to concentrate more in one place and further increases its power to destroy the skin.

Natural treatments

  • Put the ginger to boil for a few minutes and add sugar; then, the affected person takes it and this reduces the pain.
  • Afterwards, put hot water on the affected area while you go to the nearest hospital.
  • Add a little salt to the hot water to prevent infection and help clean the wound.
  • Prepare antibiotic syrup with raw onion and garlic, blended with honey; to this you add a little rum.
  • Take two tablespoons every 6 hours for 10 days; in addition to the antibiotic that the doctor prescribed.
  • If you get a high fever, you should take a bath with lukewarm water for an hour to bring down the fever.
  • After you get out of the bathroom, place cold compresses on your forehead and under your arms.
  • Remember to take your temperature constantly to check yourself.
  • If you don’t control the fever from the infection, you can have a seizure and the meninges can be severely affected.
  • Sometimes, what kills people is not the puncture at the time, but the secondary consequences.
  • If you have an open wound and you notice that it has a bad odor and is releasing fetid liquid, you can wash it with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Finally, drink plenty of water a day so that your skin is hydrated and you can help the healing process.

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