Saturday, March 29, 2025

Pug or Carlino Dog: How to Take Care of a Pug or Carlino Dog

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PetsNotebook Staff
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The Pug or Carlino dog is a dog breed of Chinese origin, small in size, characterized by its muscular constitution, short jaws, large head and short snout. They are very good defenders and guardians of their territory. Its name comes from Colossian, ancient region of Epirus, located in Greece.

Since its origins, these animals are considered a luxury breed, always accompanying aristocrats.

This breed of dogs are well trained and socialized animals, they are not aggressive at all, logically they can bite, like any other dog but if they have not received bad treatment it is not common. A fundamental characteristic of them is that they are not afraid when it comes to attacking other dogs larger than their own.

They show themselves to the human being with a playful, cheerful, lively, affectionate character, etc. and they seek interaction, this character is very typical of the first years of life, later it changes and they prefer tranquility. Like all defense dogs, if they find themselves in the presence of a stranger they are suspicious and announce to their owner the presence of a stranger.

From their intelligence, we can say that pug dogs are very stubborn animals, normally  they do not obey the orders of their owner, but rather they comply with the orders when they want. Sometimes, they tend to turn a deaf ear so as not to attend to their owner’s call, especially when they are busy with their occupations. A peculiarity of the pug dog is that its bark is too serious considering its small size.

It is an excessively clean dog, it almost does not have a doggy smell, and it is highly recommended for children, the elderly or disabled people.

Their average lifespan ranges between 12 and 15 years, this means that the life expectancy of these animals is in line with their size, as a general rule, small breed dogs live longer than large breed dogs.


These animals can get colds very easily; it is not convenient for them to live in climates that are neither very cold nor very hot.

  • They are prone to allergies.
  • They may have chronic breathing problems.
  • They snore.
  • They may look like mast cell tumors. That is, cancerous masses that appears mainly on the skin, although they can appear in any other part of the body.
  • One of the most serious health problems of these animals is a disease of unknown origin called “possible encephalitis“. We define it as the inflammation of the brain and that normally attacks dogs of 2 or 3 years of age.
  • In childbirth, this breed also often causes problems because the puppies have large heads, so they have to perform a caesarean section.
  • His eyes produce too many tears. There is a possibility that they suffer from inflammation of the cornea or ulcers in it.
  • Another of the drawbacks of this animal is that they like to eat in excess, which, if they overfeed, in a short space of time they will become obese and their life would be shortened.


As we have said before, the pug dog cannot live in places where temperatures are extreme, that is, neither too cold nor too hot. With which, it is not necessary for our home to have a patio.

For them, exercise is very important, if they exercise regularly they will be in good health, of course, it must be controlled, especially when they start to breathe with difficulty. These animals need at least one daily walk, always keeping in mind that it should not be excessive, that is, that the animal sweats and stays cold. Remember that they are prone to colds.

Its coat is easy to maintain in optimal conditions, its coat is short and smooth, so daily brushing is enough. Of course, we must bear in mind that at the time when their hair falls out, they will have to be brushed more thoroughly and more frequently, for this, we will use a brush with hard bristles. As we have said before, the doggy smell of this animal is not strong, so we will do the bath when it really needs it, as a general rule, it is convenient to do it every 6 or 8 months, remember that it is prone to have problems in the skin. To avoid this type of problem, we will use a dry shampoo and after the bath, we must dry the hair well so that it does not get cold.

It is very necessary to clean the folds that you have on your face regularly to avoid the accumulation of dirt in them, especially at the time when you are changing your hair.

Normally, teeth cleaning is usually done naturally , giving our dog the correct diet at each stage of his life, but we will also help them by giving them porous bones and other edible toys to help them take care of their mouth.

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