Friday, March 7, 2025

Sailfish – Information and Characteristics

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The famous sailfish comes from the billfish species. Marlins are fish with a defined typology. That is, this subspecies includes billfish, marlin, swordfish, sailfish… They are fish with a characteristic color, that is, blue, silver and white. With a jaw of a specific type (elongated) and a spear-shaped head.

This species has been described in various ways since the last years and the first in which it was qualified. The first time was in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two and on that occasion it was given the nickname of Istiophorus albinos. Over the years, they started with the rumors and the changes and subspecies. As they disagree there are two different types of species and that is where the dimes and directs come in. They change according to area and sizes. Those of the Atlantic are smaller.

In this case, therefore, it would have to be said, according to those who understand, that there are two differentiated subspecies. And they are those of the Atlantic and those that are in the Pacific. Those from the Atlantic would be Istiophorus albinos and the one from the Pacific, Istiophorus Platypterus.

This fish is not one of those that live longer… in fact, as has been verified, on average they usually live about three or five years. Therefore, if we make comparisons, it is not too much…


  1. These fish live offshore, therefore preferably in blue waters. This means that they are in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans. They prefer tropical waters and those that are temperate.
  2. They are migratory species. They do not always inhabit the same place. They follow the currents that are warm and thus can go up to thousands of miles out to sea and migrate in the oceans.
  3. Sailfish is not a fish that is usually caught for later consumption. In fact, its meat is not well known because it is quite tough. Therefore, for consumption, it is not worth it nor does it compensate. And now is when you will say, but I have seen that fishermen catch it a lot and take pictures with this type of fish! Effectively, that’s right.
  4. But it is highly coveted more for the theme of sport fishing.
  5. When fishermen catch them they must be careful because these fish once they have struck the hook are not easy to catch. They resist strongly, jump a lot and are very fast.  Therefore, they are not easy to catch. To know how to fish with a hook correctly, read the link.
  6. They make big jumps. So much so, that it is a spectacle to see them in action. They can jump up to two meters high.

What do you need

  • To catch them, you have to know that they are fish that are not usually close to or go to where the schools of fish are. You can find them more on the surface of the sea instead of on the bottom.
  • Sailfish basically feed on squid, octopus, tuna, sardines…
  • The weight of this species is rather large or very large. They can weigh up to one hundred kilos, hence the fishermen when they catch them, take pictures with the specimens.
  • The dimensions are not small either… on average they are usually fished from three meters.


They are fish that have a lot of speed. So much so, that they are also known in fishing jargon, such as marine torpedoes. They run a lot. They can run at a speed of up to 120 km per hour.

You have to know how to fish in the sea, especially with this type of species because they  are very fast and make great jumps. You have to try to tire them out to have the perfect opportunity and fish them.

One of the biggest problems of this marine species is precisely fishing by man. Show them off in photographs, brag about having caught them, try to get hold of the largest and heaviest hatchling… to all this, added also to climate change, pollution, waste that can be found in the sea, toxic waste such as heavy metals , the discharges from the factories that do so much damage to the ecosystem and the biosphere, etc. At this rate, as the rhythm is followed, it will end up taking its toll on merinos, sailfish and we will have to end up saying, unfortunately, that they are in danger of extinction.

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