Saturday, February 22, 2025

Spider Fish – Sting, Information and Characteristics

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The spider fish is also known by many other names that come from its bite; among its denominations are: scorpion fish, fenceBrava, escarapote, sadiron or salvation, white, rock spider, viper fishThis fish lives in the icy waters of the Mediterranean Sea and also in the eastern Atlantic Ocean.

It usually hides in depths of about a hundred meters inside between the earth and the mud of the sea; although it can be seen strolling along the coasts in the summer and even tends to hide in the mud of the ocean.

There are several species of this fish, scientifically called trichinas, some are: T. Draco T. arenas, T. radiates, T. viper. All species of spider fish are poisonous, in fact, their tenacious sting has been known since ancient times; which is why there are many types of home remedies to treat the toxic spider fish sting.

If you go to a Mediterranean beach during the summer, you should be aware of the physical qualities of this fish. Among the body characteristics of the spider fish are:

  • Its body has a length of about 15 to 50 centimeters, which means that it is elongated; on the sides its shape is flattened.
  • The spider fish’s mouth and head are quite large compared to its body; the head has a slight upward tilt, which makes its eyes go in that direction; which is arranged in the upper part of the head and on both sides of it.
  • Spider fish exhibit a yellowish color throughout their complexion, but also have some dark spots or spots; these spots appear around the head, but towards the sides it shows lighter tones, almost brown.
  • Another characteristic of the spider fish are lines that cross its entire body in shades of blue and yellow.
  • Its most characteristic feature is its poisonous spines, which are located on the upper part of its entire body; but the most important thing is that one more poisonous spine protrudes from the operculum, elongated and pointing upwards.
  • It is these noxious spines that make this fish a marine hazard; this, added to its habit of hiding under the ground, make it a danger for bathers; for this oviparous hides completely underground, exposing a small part of its head; this makes it almost imperceptible, since the color of its body blends with the earth.
  • A small sting with the stingers of this fish can cause from fever to respiratory failure.

Spider fish are usually found deep in the cold waters of the Mediterranean, but can come up to shore; It is for this reason that in bathing season, many bites of this fish can be counted. The diet of spider fish is basically made up of crustaceans and small fish from the depths; this fish hunts its prey by hiding in the ground and exposing its eyes to stalk its victims.


Spider fish often use their poisonous spines as a defense against any attack; these spines are located on its dorsal fin, apart from a stinger that is longer than the other spines. Its poisonous stakes are used by the fish to defend itself, in case it feels stalked; so if he feels that any human being is very close to him, he will not hesitate to stick his stingers.

The most common bites occur when someone carelessly walks barefoot on the beach and steps on a spider fish; other ways to get a bite from this fish are when an angler handles them after they fish. Here are the effects of a spider fish sting:

  1. At the time of the bite, there is an immediate sharp pain around the entire affected area.
  2. This ailment is progressively increasing, jointly accompanied by an itching sensation that gradually inflames.
  3. Due to the edema produced by the bite, a vasoconstrictor effect results; this effect results in the blood vessels becoming inflamed to the point of preventing the passage of blood freely.
  4. These results in the affected area taking on a whitish or pale and even bluish color; in the most extreme cases, the affected skin may show necrosis or gangrene.
  5. Other consequences of the spider fish sting are dizziness, headache, sweating, nausea, cramps, hypotension and vomiting.
  6. There are extreme cases in which cardiac arrhythmias, respiratory difficulties, muscle paralysis and loss of consciousness occur; there have been very extreme cases of death from this sting, but this happens when the poison enters a vein.
  7. Other effects are derived from infectious processes by germs in the environment; as well as by remains of stingers that remain inside the wound.

But don’t be too alarmed, the most extreme effects of spider fish bites don’t always appear; they really arise when the wound is not treated on time or because of the way the bite is produced. The most important thing is that you do not lose your calm and apply first aid on time. Next, we indicate how you should act when stung by a spider fish:

  1. The first thing you should do is clean and disinfects the affected area, as there could be remains of thorns; the remains of thorns inside the wound worsen any consequences.
  2. To prevent the pain from the stinger from becoming too intense, apply any form of heat immediately.
  3. The venom of these fish is thermo labile, which means that high temperatures neutralize their intense pain.
  4. The most common way to apply heat to the affected area is with hot water, at approximately 45ºC; the estimated time in which you should apply heat is half an hour, but you can extend it if the pain persists.
  5. There are several ways to apply heat to the wound, either by pouring hot water directly or using warm compresses.
  6. Once the first aid has been applied, it is time to go to a specialist doctor, who must do a general check-up. Among the treatment that the doctor may indicate are antihistamines, corticosteroids and antibiotics to control the effects of the poison.
  7. The vaccine that is prescribed is against tetanus, since there is still no antidote against this type of poison.

What do you need:

As you could notice, the effects of the spider fish bite are diverse, but its treatment can mitigate any consequence. The important thing is that first aid is applied in time, so that the pain does not become so acute.

Although there are many types of poisonous fish, the spider fish is one of the most common on Spanish coasts. That is why in bathing season, cases of this type of stings become common.

The color of this fish favors its camouflage with the earth and the mud of the sea;  this, and its burrowing habit is what makes it a deadly weapon for unsuspecting beachgoers; because, often, the spider fish is confused with the same land of the sea, reason why anyone could step on it; this happens because during the summer, these fish usually ascend even to sand one meter deep.

Next, we indicate what you need for the prevention or treatment of the sting of the spider fish:

  1. A very useful way to prevent spider fish bites is by wearing rubber shoes or crab sandals.
  2. As you know, at the time of the bite, the first thing you should do is irrigate the affected area with hot water. If you do not have at hand the way to heat the water, there are two ways to do it; one of which is a nasty but works fine.
  3. The first is that you take the affected area in your hands and rub until the skin is hot enough; keep doing this until the pain subsides a bit. If you are going to apply this technique, you must first remove the remnants of the fish’s stinger that remain in the wound.
  4. The other way is that you urinate on a piece of cloth and put those compresses on the affected area; it sounds unpleasant, but when you feel the penetrating pain of the sting you will not think twice. Remember that urine is hot and that will mitigate the painful effect of the sting.
  5. It is best to submerge the wound in the hot liquid; but if it is not possible due to the area where the wound is located, use compresses.
  6. To disinfect the wound you can use alcohol or some antiseptic soap. This step is essential, because if the affected area is dirty, the effects can worsen.
  7. The other step after cleaning and irrigating or placing warm compresses comes the time for pain relievers. It is of vital importance that the affected person takes an analgesic to mitigate the pain; among the pain relievers that do not need a prescription are paracetamol and ibuprofen.


The spider fish bite does not affect all people equally; it all depends on the immune system of the affected person. In fact, the effects do not appear all together in the same case, what does persist is the acute pain that occurs; but the rest appear depending on the class of patient.

Spider fish bites are one of the most common reasons for medical attention on the beach; If you plan to spend your summer enjoying the beaches of the Mediterranean, the first recommendation is that you know the appearance of this fish; In this way, you will be able to recognize it and avoid stepping on it, the first way to suffer the stings of said animal.

The poisonous spines of the spider fish are on its dorsal fin, so it is very easy to come into contact with them; when you put a foot on the back of the fish, you are already an insurmountable victim of its lethal sting. Here are the recommendations in case of a spider fish sting:

  1. Wear sandals both for walking on the beach and for swimming.
  2. If you are stung by one of these fish, immediately apply heat in the ways described above.
  3. Go as soon as possible to a medical center or get professional help.
  4. It is essential that you know that it is contraindicated to apply tourniquets or make incisions to extract the poison; doing that what you will achieve is to aggravate the effects of the wound. It is very common for those affected to think that putting a tourniquet on the wound will stop the spread of the virus; but that technique won’t help at all.
  5. The other thing that is prohibited is that you apply suction to the wound, that will not help anything either. The only appropriate thing is that you apply heat as we have already repeated.
  6. The venom given off by the spines of spider fish can remain for hours even when the fish is dead; that is why, apart from the bites attributed to bathers who walk barefoot, the bites to fishermen appear. If you are handling a spider fish, be sure to wear gloves and avoid contact with their spines; if the stingers of this fish touch you, it will be too late.
  7. Remember that it is a sting and not to heal a wound. They are different procedures.
  8. Finally, be very careful when applying heat to the wound; Many times, in the midst of tribulation, there is a risk of overheating the water. If you burn yourself in the puncture wound, you will doubly harm the affected skin.

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