The roseicollis lovebirds are a variety of lovebirds, also called lovebirds or lovebirds, which are also known under the name peach-faced lovebirds, in reference to the pink color of their head feathers. This particular species, the roseicollis lovebird, comes from South Africa,...
Have you ever been curious to know what animal reproduction is like? In that case, you have come to the right place. In dotcoms we are going to explain everything to you!
Animal reproduction as part of the maintenance of the species
All living...
The Pterions miles is more familiarly known as the lionfish? It is known by this nickname precisely because of its "appearance": When it opens its fins, you can see the stripes on its body, which, added to how aggressive the species is, has...
The famous sailfish comes from the billfish species. Marlins are fish with a defined typology. That is, this subspecies includes billfish, marlin, swordfish, sailfish... They are fish with a characteristic color, that is, blue, silver and white. With a jaw of a specific type (elongated)...
If you don't know the term, the goldfish is known in Spain as golden carp or golden carping. It is a freshwater fish belonging to the Cyprinid family and one of the longest-lived. In fact, if they are well cared for,...
Many Spaniards feel lonely without the company of animals and, for this reason, they opt for a pet that is usually a dog or a cat, although cats are usually discarded because they are less affectionate and, in addition,...
There are many animals that stand out for their spectacular nature and many of the characteristics of living beings. Each species has its curiosities that make them unique. In this article we are going to talk about kangaroos. It is an...
It is becoming more and more common to find bats in big cities. In the coastal areas of Levanter, such as Murcia or Valencia, it is quite common to find bats at night that spend their time flapping around the...
Hamsters are a very common pet in most homes, especially those with children. The first thing you should know if you are asking how to choose a hamster is that there are many species of these, although the basic...
Companions of pipes, houses, debris and even rooms. Mice are the perfect relationship between love and hate that some people can feel. Some little friends, who can sometimes cause more than one individual to jump out of their seats, especially when they...