Thursday, March 27, 2025

That Horses Eat

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PetsNotebook often publishes news and articles about pet care, services, advice, and other topics. Learn everything there is to know about the health and nutrition of dogs and cats, including the different diseases they suffer from, their actual causes, and effective treatments. Our articles on special comprehensive programs aid pets with diarrhea and vomiting, immunological weakness, and holistic pet cure.

They are very special mammals and have a digestive system that requires a lot of care, as it does not accept food in large proportions, as it is only capable of processing small amounts correctly.

Aspects that do not go unnoticed in them with:

  1. The type of race: to which they belong
  2. Weight: if they are obese or their physical shape is adequate.
  3. The height: if they are newborns, young people or adults.
  4. Age.

This is closely monitored since there is a kind of food measures suitable for each moment of their life, always linked to each of these characteristics.

Feeding of wild and domestic horses:


This must always be given in optimal condition to be able to be free of chlorine, trying to change it every so often, because they must always drink it clean with nothing that contaminates it, above all it must be preferably fresh, and they do not like hot water.

The grass:

It is the product that these equines consume the most by nature, they love fresh grass, they usually have a lot of it where they live, and so it is not an arduous job to find it. In addition, it contains a series of highly nutritious components, which give the horse good and hard teeth thanks to the amounts of silica it contains. The advantages of the horse that lives in total freedom is that he knows perfectly the measure and the moment in which he has to eat and above all the amount, which, in this case is quite small, and when they abuse eating too much grass, they feel really bad.


Those types of grain that go through too many industrial processes and are altered and manipulated, such as wheat should not be used in any case as horse feed. Nor should the amount that is put to eat be abused, because too much of this type of grain damages your stomach brutally, causing pain. Only corn is the one that is most recommended to be given, since it does not have adverse effects within its body, the horse assimilates it well

The hay:

It is usually used as a substitute for grass, especially in areas where it does not proliferate, is scarce, or the ground has poor conditions and is dry. However, this food is not easy to find, despite being a very good food. In the case in which it is impossible to find bags of hay, the horse must be well controlled, so that it does not lack at any time the vitamin contributions that the grass provides or in this case the hay, that is why they can be bought some other supplement that keeps you properly nourished.

Concentrate cocktails

These are characterized by the fact that they usually mix different foods, so that together they form a good combination of ingredients that can provide the mammal with those nutrients that its body needs to perform and be in top shape. Extracts of certain vegetables such as beets, raw carrots, bran, corn, oats or flax can appear in this mixture, all of which add a great contribution of minerals and different vitamins. These concentrates are given to the horse to compensate for the lack of other foods that may not exist at that time or may not be available. This type of food is very energetic for both females and males, even for the little foals that are still suckling.

You go out

There are those who include them in the concentrate, but they are usually given separately, especially if the season is summer and the heat is high, as it is a very good food for their diet. In times when the weather is cooler, it is not usually used as much, and is replaced by normal food. They can be given as compensation in small blocks, as a treat, or to satisfy a craving the horse has at the time. In addition, it usually appears together with mixed minerals.

Exceptionally, they can be given some foods that they love but that are not very suitable for their diet, such as green apples, ripe bananas, raspberries or peaches, some vegetables or vegetables of the type pumpkin, tomato. Other foods of different composition such as boiled eggs or meat products such as sausages. All on rare occasions because we must remember that above all they are herbivorous animals and their flora stays healthy that way.

There are other food products that should not be consumed under any circumstances, such as white rice grain, grass that is wild, or any type of bran that is harmful.


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