Thursday, March 27, 2025

Tips for Leaving a Cat Home Alone

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If you have a newly acquired cat or have incorporated a small puppy, you will surely be worried about leaving it alone at home. Cats are a very independent species, but that does not mean that they are cuddly and that they love affection, cuddles, caresses, etc. That is why it is not so easy to leave them alone at home, because they also feel sadness and loneliness, and some may even despair and suffer from anxiety.

Surely you have noticed that as soon as you start getting ready or having movement at home preparing to go out, your kitten begins to meow, scream, or cry, that is because it has already realized that when there is that excitement and movement at home it is because afterwards you leave him alone at home.

On the other hand, there is also the issue of vacations, when we are going to be away from home for a long period of time, we also have the question of whether to take our kitten with us or if it is better to leave it at home. The answer in this case is to leave him at home as long as someone can take care of his needs from him and to go see him often, it does not have to be every day either, but at least every three days, especially to keep him a little company. And check his food and water from him. Cats do not adapt easily, so taking it with us on a trip would be a mistake since our little animal would have a bad time, and we with him.

These tips for leaving a cat alone at home are essential to ensure their well-being, guarantee that they will not lack for anything and that they will feel comfortable in our absence.


Whenever you go out, remember to leave enough food for him in his bowl. Keep in mind that cats aren’t like dogs, and they won’t eat all of their food at once, but they know they have enough ready in case they get hungry while you’re away.

Do not forget to leave enough water, especially if it is summer, and you better put it very cool.

Cats are spoiled and they like nothing more than treats and snacks for cats, so you could leave them a treat from time to time.


Without a doubt, the best way to make the time fly by is by leaving him cat toys so that he will keep himself busy the whole time you are away from home. Cats, just like humans, spend their time flying while they are having a great time. It is also important that you leave its scratching post within its reach, this way your cat will not be entertained and will sharpen its nails on your beloved furniture, finding it all scratched and destroyed when you get home. Take into account the preferences of your cat, so that you leave him the toys of his liking him.


Regarding hygiene, keep in mind that expenses are scrupulous, just like humans, so in the same way that you would not use a toilet that is dirty and smelly, your cat will not use its litter box if it is dirty either. So before you leave home make sure your box is clean, or that it can be used enough while you are going to be away from home.


Before leaving the house you should always make sure that you have closed all the doors and windows, this way you will prevent your cat from escaping. Remember that cats are very curious and if they find the opportunity they will go out to explore and it is possible that they end up lost or injured.

On the other hand, although they are not as forward as their canine companions, you should never leave toxic products or medicines in sight as they could ingest them and end up very sick or dead.

Let someone take care of your cat

If you are going to go away for a few days or on vacation, you should always leave enough food and water for those days and also leave several litter boxes. In addition, the best thing is that you leave the keys with a neighbor or friend and ask them to go from time to time to see how everything is and if your cat is missing something, and if possible leave everything ready (shovel, bag and litter) to clean the sand from the box and fill it with sand if necessary. But above all it is necessary that you can spend a few minutes to be with him, to keep him company, caress him and play with him.

With these tips for leaving a cat alone at home, you can leave home to work, go for a walk or on vacation without worrying, since your cat will be safe and well prepared to endure this time of separation.


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