Thursday, March 27, 2025

What Do Butterflies Eat

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Butterflies or Lepidoptera are one of the most beautiful insects, due to their large wings and their colors that we often observe in nature. There are many varieties of butterflies, but generally there are diurnal types, which are very few as most are nocturnal insects.

Butterflies have many colors on their wings, which they use for breeding and to signal and warn other insects. These wings serve as radiators to maintain the proper temperature of their bodies and when they go to mate they begin to secrete a pheromone to attract the females.

It can be said scientifically that their growth and development is holometabolous, which means that butterflies lay their eggs on some leaves. Then, these eggs turn into larvae or caterpillar in a few days, which subsequently feed on the leaves of the trees where they were deposited.

As the days go by, this caterpillar grows and then wraps itself in a substance that they themselves produce. This cocoon begins to undergo a process known as metamorphosis in which the caterpillar becomes a caterpillar to a butterfly in a certain period of time.

Each species has a shorter metamorphosis period and others longer, but after that cocoon the beautiful butterfly is born; which is formed by its body, which in turn has a head, its thorax and its abdomen, and its large and colorful wings. Their wings allow them to fly and travel great distances, while their mouth, which is in the shape of a very fine tube, keeps them collected in circles.

Butterflies are from hot or temperate climates since they are cold-blooded and need heat to be able to activate their metabolism. In general, butterflies are harmless insects, but some species have poisonous hairs to protect themselves from predators.

These little hairs come out from the moment they are caterpillars and then after making their cocoons attached to the trees they also have these little hairs. The protective hairs are powerful weapons of war that are loaded with a very toxic poison that causes great pain to those who touch or rose.

They work like microscopic injectors that, when touching the skin of animals or human beings, produce a very strong pain. It also produces very strong muscle contractions, cramps in all the muscles of the body and a lot of difficulty breathing.

Finally, when they become a butterfly they are more or less light gray in color and have shapes on their wings like two large eyes to confuse predators. On the other hand, there are species of butterflies with very bright and beautiful colors, highlighting light yellow, light green, red, brown and many figures on their wings.

Butterflies in the house

In many parts of the world there are mafias of butterfly hunters, which hunt them in the wild and dissect them to sell them at great prices. They do this on the black market since it is totally prohibited to do this type of trade with this species of insect.

Many people would like to have live butterflies in their homes, especially in their gardens, as these give very nice views to the site. Therefore, the importance of knowing what butterflies eat and how we can feed them so that they grow and reproduce in our homes.

Despite being flying insects, many people in Spain would like to have them as pets and enjoy their sight. In nature, there are places where many butterflies are found in large numbers together and it represents one of the most beautiful shows.

In many farms where large quantities of different flowers are produced, we can see how they are collaborating with the farmers in their productions Since these help pollination and the production of different species of natural flowers and being a great tool.

On the other hand, when you come across caterpillars with very bright colors in nature, do not grab them with your hands because some species are very poisonous. Many people are selling many types of caterpillars in pet stores , so you can have butterflies in your garden.

These merchants will show you some images of the butterflies that will come out of the different caterpillars that they managed to collect in the store. You only need a beautiful garden with many silvereyes plants and flowers to be able to have a good production of butterflies and the care that we are going to indicate below.


Here are some techniques to feed butterflies

  1. The first thing you have to have is a large and very sunny patio if it is possible that it is closed on all four sides with walls.
  2. This is to prevent it from getting too draughty as air currents make it very difficult for butterflies to fly.
  3. Butterflies need a lot of heat from the sun to regulate their body temperature through their wings and help color pigmentation.
  4. Also, we recommend that you plant some fruit bushes in your garden, such as grapes.
  5. Then plant various types of flowers such as roses and daisies so that you have plenty of nectar, which is their favorite dish.
  6. Sunflower flowers are also very good for feeding butterflies as they have a good amount of nectar.
  7. Butterflies are a bit short-sighted so try to choose flowers that have bright, strong colors.
  8. On the other hand, the caterpillars need to feed on the green leaves of the plants, which is why we recommend the grape bushes.
  9. If you buy the caterpillars in the store, you can place them on the trunks of the grape tree, they will climb to eat its leaves.
  10. Then, the cocoons will be formed where the metamorphosis process will take place, where it will transform from a caterpillar to a butterfly.
  11. On the other hand, you must have a lot of humidity in your garden and keep the plants in your garden very well watered with fresh water.
  12. Butterflies need a lot of humidity so that small drops of water are deposited on the flowers and they can hydrate.
  13. Another food that can be given to butterflies is very ripe fruits, such as papaya and watermelon chopped into small pieces.
  14. Place several pieces of very ripe fruit in different parts of your garden, the sugars produced by the fruits will serve as food.
  15. Other people take small containers with water and a little well dissolved sugar.

What do you need:

  • A very sunny garden with wild flowers.
  • Four walls for the garden.
  • Dew irrigation system.
  • Grapes plant.
  • Flowers like roses and daisies.
  • Sunflower flowers.
  • Milky and watermelon.
  • Powdered sugar.
  • Small containers.


  1. Avoid putting pesticides or pest control poisons in your garden, as it can put the lives of your caterpillars and pupae at risk.
  2. The pumpkin plant has green leaves that caterpillars like very much.
  3. Place a dew irrigation system so that your garden always maintains humidity and the flowers have drops of water for the butterflies to drink .
  4. If you are going to take your caterpillars from nature, use latex gloves, since there are poisonous species and they have little hairs that can prick you.
  5. Punctures by poisonous caterpillars are very painful and can take your life due to their toxicity.
  6. If you get stung by a poisonous caterpillar you have to go to the doctor immediately so that they can treat you for the pain.
  7. You can place a little warm water on the affected area as hot as you can stand to dissipate the poison a little.
  8. Never take caterpillars with hairs, this tells you that you should not touch them, since those hairs are very poisonous.
  9. You have to be very aware of the pests in your garden because sometimes the ants eat the cocoons or chrysalis, leaving you without butterflies.
  10. Also, to feed the butterflies we recommend ripe bananas, when the shell turns black. It is at this degree of ripeness that the banana becomes very sweet and butterflies like this very much. Place several pieces in different parts of your garden and you will see how the butterflies perch and take out their long mouths and drink their nectar.
  11. Also, you can wait several days after placing the caterpillars on the plant, until the cocoons are formed and place them in a container.
  12. We recommend that you open some holes in the container so that oxygen and moisture can enter and you have them inside your home.
  13. When you see that the butterflies begin to break the cocoon to fly, you should immediately take it out to your garden, so that all the butterflies are born. This is to prevent the ants from eating the pupae and other predatory insects.
  14. After all the butterflies are born, you will have a very beautiful view of your garden and a great satisfaction when contemplating this beautiful species.

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