Thursday, March 27, 2025

What Do Dogs Eat

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PetsNotebook Staff
PetsNotebook Staff
PetsNotebook often publishes news and articles about pet care, services, advice, and other topics. Learn everything there is to know about the health and nutrition of dogs and cats, including the different diseases they suffer from, their actual causes, and effective treatments. Our articles on special comprehensive programs aid pets with diarrhea and vomiting, immunological weakness, and holistic pet cure.

Dogs are lovable house pets. Today, almost any home has or has had a dog on some occasion. Over time, it has become more normal for a dog to go from being a pet to becoming another member of the family.

That they are cared for like a member of the family, that they are loved madly and are one more at home, does not mean that they also have to be given the same food that humans can eat. And this is something very important and should be taken into account. Because what at first may seem like something funny or as a whim for the pet and they are even given things or certain foods because they bark, they ask us for it, they feel sorry for us and we pamper them… we are not doing them any good.

It is no exaggeration to say that some foods can even cause poisoning, illness and even death. Many dogs go to the vet with various problems (some of them we will discuss) precisely because of the poor diet they have had.

As for the digestive system, the digestions that dogs do allow them to eat a little of everything, but be careful, specifying in broad strokes that these foods are meat, some pieces of fruit, cereals, milk, vegetables…

When a puppy is born and is a puppy, it feeds exclusively on its mother’s milkHe begins to vary his diet when he is three weeks old that is when he combines the mother’s diet with something solid like small croquettes (dry food).

When they are one month old, they can eat more kibble and begin to practically stop feeding on their mother.

So, what foods can dogs eat? Well, now from we will comment on them, but if you have any possible doubts, always ask the vet, just as they will tell you that they should eat and that they should not.


  1. Foods that should never try some nuts and never chocolate. That cursed food that is believed to be eaten as children or adults does and are a food that brings many problems of poisoning and even death.
  2. Obviously, we have not commented that they should always have water. Clean and fresh water.
  3. When they can already eat a complete diet, treats can be cookie prizes that are specific to them and always taking into account the time and size.
  4. Foods that should never try some nuts and never chocolate. That cursed food that is believed to be eaten as children or adults does and are a food that brings many problems of poisoning and even death. Dark chocolate, the pure one, is almost much more lethal than milk chocolate.
  5. Dogs must have a varied diet, that they do not lack nutrients and with exceptions where they are allergic, are intolerant to a specific food, have a disease in these cases, they should always go to the veterinarian to make an evaluation and eat specific recommended foods. By the vet.
  6. You also have to take into account the ages of the dogs. A puppy is not the same as an adult dog or one that is already old.
  7. Older dogs need a somewhat more specific diet, taking into account if they have missing teeth, dental pieces, stomach problems, etc.
  8. Dogs are carnivorous, but that’s not why they should feed only on meat. On the contrary. They must eat everything… but knowing what can and cannot be done.
  9. In the market you can currently find innumerable types of food for dogs. From dry feed that is made completely naturally with very healthy ingredients, without fat, without carbohydrates, 100% natural, etc.
  10. As for the type of meat they can eathorse meat, rabbit, pork, veal, chicken, turkey, beef and they eat the muscle area of ​​other animals, which, moreover, is usually given as whims.
  11. They eat protein from eggs, for example, since it is healthier for them and they have high nutritional value such as Vitamin
  12. Organ meats such as heart, liver, and gizzards. You have to be a little careful with the liver because an abuse of these viscera can cause damage to the animal.
  13. Animal fat and to a lesser extent also vegetable fat. These mammals need to eat animal fat, it is important to include it in their diet, not to forget it. The lard can include a little forget oil if the food is prepared at home and it is 100% homemade, etc.
  14. Cereals, bread, pasta, oatmeal, some cereals, potatoes, white rice carbohydrates.
  15. They also eat vegetables and fruits and with a little common sense, there should be no greater danger.
  16. If the dog is not lactose intolerant, he can drink/eat milk.
  17. Fish is a great source of protein, vitamins and good fats.
  18. And the one that gives a lot to talk about or many problems in some cases is the issue of bones. Bones yes or no? Be careful… no, to broken bones, or bones that can be given at home. But they do sell specific bones for dogs to eat in pet stores.
  19. Foods that should be prohibited and should not be eaten under any circumstances: the one that gives the most headaches because children at some point can give them a little, an ounce… give the “little friend” what they eat. Well big mistake. Never give dogs chocolate. Because they cause poisoning or even death. Chocolate contains the bromine, it is an alkaloid that stimulates the central nervous system and is very toxic to them. Many of the health problems that this food can cause are diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, accelerated heart rate and if they eat even more than the bill, they can die.
  20. You should never self-medicate them. Never give those aspirin, paracetamol, personal medications. Because even though believing that it works for us, being animals, it will not benefit them. It will harm them in any case and in a very serious way and even in the worst case, irreparable.

What do you need:

  • A plate or story for food.
  • If the puppy is very small, to administer the milk, it must be given with a bottle.
  • A bowl for water.
  • I think dry.
  • Canned foods (wet food).
  • As whims, give them what they like the most or it depends on their age: small bones, cookies, dog treats…


In the market today you can find innumerable types of food for dogs. From dry feed that is made completely naturally with very healthy ingredients, without fat, without carbohydrates, 100% natural, etc.

Be very careful with salt, sugar… sausages… and bones. Especially with the bones.  Bones are one of the biggest problems for dogs and what unfortunately most die with. Unfortunately, many dogs have gone to the vet with their pet choking and although in some cases, they have been lucky and have been able to remove it from the throat or stomach, on many other occasions, many die. Due to drowning, because a bone remains in the esophagus, the stomach, in the rectum… it perforates the intestine, the stomach, etc. Really, it is preferable not to give him a bone that can cause greater evils.

Sausages in their proper measure are not bad or harmful. But an abuse that is what ends up happening, if it is. Giving them a piece of chorizo ​​or salty ham (with which they can also choke or choke) is not the same as giving them sweet ham or turkey from time to time.  You have to watch the amounts so that you do not end up suffering from obesity or sugar problems.

When your pet is a little upset or you think he needs some painkiller or whatever, never, ever, does what unfortunately or due to ignorance, happens in many cases. That it is administered to the pet in the best possible way, yes (because they are loved very much and we try to help them without thinking that what is believed is not always ideal), a common medicine, that of people. Never do it because you will only make the problem much worse. In such a way that the pet will be intoxicated and may even die.

If you have any questions or problems, always go to the vet. It does not matter if it is a mild pain than a more acute one or if you have a simple annoyance. Never ever give a dog a person’s medicine. Neither the typical paracetamol, nor an aspirin, nor a nonoil… none is none. In some cases, the problem that should be minor ends up becoming a much worse one precisely by giving him the medication.

Under no circumstances do you give a dog to drink or alcoholic beverage, or beer, or do graces with these issues. The same goes for sugary drinks… dogs can and should only drink water. In case they are sick or have a stomach problem, the vet will already prescribe serum to be taken. But that should always be sent by the veterinarians. We do not draw our own conclusions and no, although our dog may be loved as one of the family, it is not a person and therefore in terms of food and possible problems such as medicating them, always with supervision.


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