Friday, March 7, 2025

What Do Hedgehogs Eat

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Normal and wild hedgehogs:

They follow a wide variety of food products within their diet, they are animals that are not typical within a home and that are even completely prohibited in some parts of the world.  If you decide to adopt one, it is important to know your diet well, and follow it strictly.

If we talk about those who are free and live in areas with a lot of land, they usually choose to eat from vegetables or plants, different insects, although they can also get fruits. Those that live in wild land areas usually eat those insects that develop in those territories, such as cockroaches and beetles, or even snails. Sometimes they look for fiber, which they extract from decomposing animals, specifically from the part of the skeleton, as well as its chitin.

When you have a hedgehog at home, because finding dry food for them sometimes becomes a somewhat complicated task, if not practically impossible, you can give them instead that dry food that is recommended for cats, because this It contains the nutritional and vitamin components that the animal requires in its diet. If desired, and as a complement to their food, they can be fed a piece of egg, fruit, and poultry, such as chicken and turkey, including fish, but when they are given, they must always be well cooked, just like Eggs should not be fed raw.

Among the fruits that they can eat are summer fruits such as watermelon, which they like very much, and the rest of the year, pears, apples in all their varieties and ripe bananas.  The vegetables that they usually eat are tubers such as potatoes, turnips or radishes, on the other hand, well-cooked carrots.

Within the plants and herbs, those of a digestive type for humans such as mint or the anti-inflammatory chamomile.

Oddly enough, legumes that are always well cooked also serve as food, lentils or chickpeas.

One of the foods that is usually found in veterinary stores or in stores specialized in them, are bags that contain certain insects such as larvae, worms and crickets, it is always better to choose to buy them already selected and clean of possible pesticides that can contain those that roam the street, since they are usually quite annoying bugs and people spray them with multiple products in order to exterminate them, so it is dangerous to pick them up from the street without knowing if they are clean or not.

Their diet must be closely watched to prevent their weight from exceeding normal and being overweight, because that would prevent them from being able to carry out their activities normally, and would limit their lives.

They should always be fed little by little, never in large quantities all at once; the most recommended time slot is the afternoon. The food should not be frozen or excessively cold because it would cause pain and discomfort. You always have to have your container with water; it is if it can be preferably fresh and not warm, much less dirty, so it must be changed every day.

What shouldn’t they eat?

No acidic food or food that is within the citrus family, as it negatively affects your kidneys, such as pineapple, lemon or avocado. They are not lactose tolerant, although they can unconsciously eat it because they like it, as is the case with cheese, so if you decide to feed them with these products, you must always ensure that they are free of lactose. You can never give those nuts because their size and hardness can cause damage or get stuck in the throat.

They really like sweets and snack bags, but they should always be given with caution and as something very exceptional.

Within the variety of vegetables, there are some that are not recommended, all of them agree that they are itchy, as is the case with garlic, onions or hot peppers.

Sea urchins:

Each type of sea urchin adapts to the food that it has around it; in this case in the sea you cannot find fruits or chicken, so algae are one of its priorities, although if dead animals are found, no they hesitate to eat them.

There are some somewhat sandy substances such as silt or clay that are key in its body, since these are placed in an area of ​​its intestine and ensure that the hedgehog does not rise to the surface, but can remain submerged.

One characteristic that they have is that in the morning, even in the afternoon, they do not usually eat because they remain buried; they usually take advantage of when it gets dark to do so.


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