Thursday, March 27, 2025

What Do Rabbits Eat

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PetsNotebook Staff
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If you feel a little low and lonely at home, we recommend a good friend to keep you company. Rabbits are an increasingly popular pet in Spain, which many people buy since they are little babies.

Raised as a new member of the family, many children are adopting them and caring for them with lots of love. To guarantee that they will be giving them the best care, here is a vital issue for any pet: their diet.

Rabbits are a family of mice, but these are very friendly, tender and tame, which is why they are the ideal pet for adults and children. In addition, they have very hairy skin  and slightly long ears, generally 7 centimeters in adulthood, which make them very striking creatures.

These ears have many small and fine veins that are spread throughout them and that work like a radiator, in charge of cooling the blood that passes through your body when it comes into contact with the air.

However, you should keep in mind that they have very strong front teeth, which they use to cut and chew their food, just like mice do. For this reason, you must be careful when handling rabbits; also, because they have nails about 2 centimeters long, which are very strong and sharp.

These claws are used in nature to dig the earth. In this way, they dig their caves to have their young, making them as deep as possible and with several entrances so that they are as safe as possible from predators.

Regarding their fur, there are black rabbits, others white and the rabbits of nature are a little yellow, gray and light brown. They have slightly large eyes and a very small tail at the back, in the middle of their two hind legs.

On the other hand, rabbits are one of the animals that are sold the most in pet stores in Spain. Knowing that they are mammals, herbivores and rodents, we can determine a wide range of foods that they can consume.

Children, when they see them little and furry, they love them and they find them very cute, that’s why they love having a pet rabbit so much. On the other hand, in other countries rabbits are raised on farms to consume their meat, since each rabbit weighs 1 to 2 kilos of excellent white meat, very tasty, which provides humans with a significant amount of nutrition. Proteins.

These reproduce very quickly. Generally, they give birth to 8 to 10 rabbits in each litter and with good nutrition they grow very quickly. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that you know how to give your pet a good diet, to give it a long and healthy life.

You can have the opportunity to reproduce your bunnies in your own home by following the advice that we will give you below so that you can prepare a balanced diet with a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Rabbits, although they are a family of mice, not all foods are favorable for their digestive system. A reliable food, made with many active components, is sold by the kilo or by the bag, known as feed. On the other hand, it is not good to have a rabbit that is too fat or overweight, because instead of lasting 8 to 10 years, it can live 4 or even less.

In many caricatures and cartoons we can see rabbits always eating carrots, but this is a fable, the truth is that they feed on many other things. We will explain how to feed your rabbit and the foods it can eat below.


  1. As when new mothers are aware of their baby’s diaper, it is important to be aware of your rabbit’s waste, because its consistency will indicate if it is feeding properly.
  2. The first thing we are going to tell you so that you are not surprised is that your rabbit has two ways of One of the most common forms is in the form of separate and dry round balls, this when your rabbit is completely healthy. The other is that it makes the ground balls all together and joined by a shiny and quite moist mucosa. Rabbits eat this type of poop again to finish getting all the nutrients their body needs.
  3. This was created by nature so that these animals can survive in times of great drought. You should not worry when this happens, it is a totally natural action created for its survival.
  4. On the other hand, its fundamental food is eon or fresh grass, which provides many fibers and vitamins to its body.
  5. If your bunny is still a baby and is growing, we remind you that rabbits are mammalian and herbivorous animals. This means that they eat grass, but also drink milk in their first weeks of life.
  6. If they are not with their mother, you should prepare a bottle for them with a very small and fine nipple, simulating the rabbit’s nipple.
  7. You can do this with a fine tourniquet hose, since it is a very soft and flexible material.
  8. You must warm the milk a little so that the little bunny feels the milk like its mother’s milk.
  9. Then, place the bunny with its paws down and place the bottle in its mouth, not from the front but from the side, until the rabbit begins to suck.
  10. When it begins to suck, you should straighten the bottle little by little upwards, so that with the force of gravity, it helps the rabbit a little in its process.
  11. Then you are going to give him milk until he doesn’t want to drink anymore and you notice that his belly is a little rounded by fullness.
  12. You must do this every afternoon before the sun goes down, which is the time that the mother feeds them in the wild.
  13. It is recommended that you give him feed, this is the processed food for rabbits.  But try to buy a good brand and give it in small quantities.
  14. We recommend that you give him the feed in the morning, since it has a lot of carbohydrates and thus can burn it during the day.
  15. In the middle of the day, we recommend that you give him some fruits such as strawberries and peaches, to provide him with vitamin C. This vitamin will keep him healthy, with his hymnological system working at its best.
  16. Finally, in the afternoons, you can give chard, spinach, and green lettuce, as these provide large amounts of folic acid.
  17. We recommend that you give him the top part of the carrot, the green part where the branches are.

What do you need:

Here are some foods you need for your rabbit:

  • Industrial concentrate feed or food.
  • Hay or grass.
  • Carrots.
  • Green lettuce.
  • Goat milk.
  • Peaches.
  • Strawberry.
  • Rubber tourniquet to make a bottle.


We will give you some tips to give your pet rabbit a good diet:

  1. Never give your rabbit cow’s milk, as it contains a lot of fat and can cause colic or diarrhea.
  2. In the latter case, you can make your milk with skim milk, but we recommend goat milk.
  3. Remember to give him warm milk.
  4. Do not give your rabbit round lettuce, which is a bit whitish, since it does not have much fiber and has a lot of liquid.
  5. This round lettuce usually gives them diarrhea and your rabbit can quickly die from dehydration.
  6. Don’t give your rabbit white onions or long onions either, because it can give his intestines a lot of irritation and a lot of pain.
  7. The feed with feed must be combined with hay and vegetables or fruits, so that it is balanced.
  8. If you feed it with pure feed, the rabbit will gain a lot of weight and will be an unhealthy and inactive rabbit.
  9. On the other hand, if you give him pure lettuce and fruit or hay, he will also have many health problems.
  10. It is of the utmost importance that he never lacks hay or grass in his diet, since the front teeth wear down with this fiber.
  11. If these teeth are not worn down, they grow too quickly and too long, making your rabbit unable to eat later.
  12. If this happens to you with your rabbit, you should quickly take it to the vet to wear it down to its optimal size.
  13. This should be done by a specialist with his technique and indicated tools, to prevent your rabbit from suffering pain.
  14. The water must always be present with a special container that is a little high so that it is not contaminated with their poop. If the water is not clean, the rabbit will not drink it and can quickly dehydrate and die.
  15. The same should be with the food container; it should be a little high to prevent it from spilling and getting dirty.
  16. You should always be checking his ears and legs, since sometimes a fungus appears that causes white crusts on his skin. This happens when the site is very damp or wet;  something similar to the dandruff fungus, but it is much more aggressive and bad for the rabbit’s health.
  17. You can combat this fungus with a broad-spectrum antifungal cream, rubbing the affected parts once a day for a week.
  18. We recommend that you give your rabbit a lot of caresses from a young age and that you have a lot of contact with him. This will always keep him cool and calm as an adult, as some rabbits get nervous and can hurt you with their sharp nails.
  19. You must be careful when you are hand-feeding them as they may mistake your finger for a carrot and bite.

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