Friday, March 7, 2025

What Do Spiders Eat

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Spiders, forever confused with the most common insects that we can find, but the situation is that they do not belong to this family. In reality, these animals are from the arachnid family, to which scorpions and ticks also belong, among other 100,000 other members.

For what spiders are recognized, before any other similar species, it is because of their 8 characteristic legs and because they have very particular qualities that distinguish them from other beings. Despite the fact that this characterizes them, they can become very different from others of the same species since each one has colors, models, patterns, textures and sizes that are very different from each other.

Spiders are extremely resistant animals, they can survive in climates as cold as those of Greenland and in sectors as hot as the different deserts of the world. That is why they can be found almost anywhere, adapted to the lifestyle of each region where they are located.

As for their personality, they are usually quite cautious, seeking to hide or even flee in the face of the danger of any predator. They are also extremely skilled and will use all the resources they have in case they have to defend themselves. Her most characteristic weapon is her fangs, biting her rival to inject her poison and thus leave him exposed to her.

Their unique silk, created to trap their food, is the strongest material in the entire world.  The complexity of the spider web has not been able to be imitated, until now, by the human being since it has a very exclusive design. This makes them even more fascinating than they are.

Around these animals there are many myths and beliefs. One of the most important, which must be disproved, is the fact that they eat human flesh. This has been created as a result of the fact that many people have lost their lives or become ill because of these animals, but it has been proven that it has been in self-defense and not to feed on them.

What do you need

  • Floors
  • Spiders
  • Fruits
  • Insects
  • Spider web
  • Fishes
  • Animal carcasses


  1. Each species is different. The first thing we must take into account about what spiders eat is that there are more than 35 thousand species, each one of them is different from the others in many factors including their diet. Some eat during the night, others during the day, and so on with all their peculiarities. We will talk to you in a general way about the different feeding patterns that these arachnids have.  Remember that there are still species that have not been studied or that certain details are ignored, which is why you will find information about what spiders eat in a general and synthesized way.
  2. Predators by nature: Secondly, we have what spiders are so well known for, that is, for being predators. Their hunting instinct will make them create traps that will be waiting for any victim that gets caught in them. They will then jump on their prey to envelop it without leaving any kind of escape. They have a way of eating their food that is quite different from that of the rest of the animals on the planet. Spiders that have found their deadly victim will inject their venom causing the inside of their food to quickly. Not having a jaw, it will absorb the dissolved content and then drink it, leaving just a shell without any sign of life.
  3. They eat what they catch. Spiders all over the world have different ways of catching their prey. The most common is the well-known spider web, but there will also be others that dig into the ground waiting for an animal to fall into the hole so they can sustain themselves. Although they mostly eat insects smaller than themselves, it can also be the case that larger spiders (such as tarantulas) absorb rodents or very small birds that have been left at their mercy. Other species that have been part of the diet of these beings are the lizards and the frogs that have been left behind.
  4. They also eat corpses. sometimes, spiders can catch an insect without realizing that it has fallen into any of their traps and it can die before they realize it is there. In this way, the arachnid will also take advantage of the food that is being presented to it, although traditionally they prefer to kill it themselves due to their hunting instinct.
    Spiders are animals that eat whenever they have the opportunity that is why if they find a corpse in their path they will take the opportunity to digest it, even if they have nothing to do with the cause of their death.
  5. They feed on plants. despite their predatory instinct, it has recently been confirmed that there are some species of spiders that feed on different plant resources such as leaves and the nectar of flowers or trees. Species such as the silicide are part of the arachnids that make up this type of diet. Trees such as acacia provide a significant amount of sugars and proteins, which make the decomposition work of the spider, caused by its secretions at the digestive level, much easier to carry out and finally to swallow for them.
  6. They eat other spiders something that happens very frequently in the world of spiders is that they can end up consuming each other, especially when they are different species and very unequal in size. Cannibalism is a way of expressing the strength that certain types of spiders have. It also usually happens because some females tend to swallow the male after mating with him, if he is not careful enough. Another form of cannibalism between spiders occurs when the female removes a certain amount of the eggs. which she herself places, to eat them on a closer occasion or when they are born.  It can also happen that they are separated so that the siblings, who are stronger, have to feed themselves in their first hours of life.
  7. They take advantage of all the resources. Spiders are real resource talents and very good at recycling. The species of these animals that weave the webs when they are disassembling it (that is, getting rid of them) are also ingesting it. They do this in order to take advantage of all the nutrients that the silk contains and thus be able to make another one as soon as possible. By doing this, the spiders will be able to preserve countless proteins that will keep them from going through an extended period of hunger and that will help them make other sets of webs. This same process is also done with the skin that changes every certain period of time.
  8. They eat fish recently, a group of spiders has been discovered that are distributed throughout the world, near swamps and rivers, and that have fish as a fundamental part of their diet. They hunt fish that are up to two or three times larger than themselves by trapping them in their web without leaving any escape. This type of arachnid looks for a quantity of nutrients in fish that they would not get so easily from other creatures. In addition, they are not dangerous for human beings, but they are for the different creatures that they hunt and that can even include frogs and smaller amphibians.
  9. While there food Spiders are animals that, despite their small size, have a ferocious appetite capable of eating even if it is not the corresponding hours. This means that if they are close to any prey that is easy to gobble up, they will not hesitate to do so as quickly as possible, especially if it is their favorite insects.
  10. They go days without eating despite their voracious appetite, which is not easy to please; spiders can also go several days without eating (if they do not get food). If these animals go through long periods of famine, they will give up their energy to continue hunting and be able to get a victim that they can eat as soon as possible.


Spiders are an important part of nature, having them at home will help us control a little the amount of insects and pests that we have in our home. One or another spider in its web will not harm us (as long as it is not poisonous) but we recommend you be careful if you see them in large groups.

Respect their space on our planet and make sure you are well informed on how you should treat them in case you do not know the origin of this arachnid or one of its relatives.

Spiders are a group of arachnids whose shapes and colors can impress us. Remember that they range from the largest such as the “bird eater” to the smallest such as the Patumarplesi.

They all have an important job in our environment and must be tolerated as members of our nature, regardless of where we find them.


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