Thursday, March 27, 2025

What Do the Whose Ones Eat

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Who doesn’t like whose? These adorable little animals are ideal as pets due to their small size and fluffy beauty. Today whose are rose especially as pets, however in some countries they are used for human consumption. Today we are going to talk about their diet, because knowing what they eat is essential to understand the way in which we can take care of them.

The whole, also known as guinea pigs, guinea pigs or guinea pigs have a natural vegetarian diet, that is, they do not consume meat of any kind. Those get their food from plants and fruits of nature. Today it is very easy to get food for guinea pigs and give them a diet that suits their needs and tastes.

It is important to know the proper feeding of the whole, because in case of having one, if the feeding is not adequate, the health of the animal could be risked. The whole are very sensitive animals and whose health can be very fragile unless the necessary care and precautions are taken to take care of their health.

To know everything about the feeding of the guinea pigs and to know what the guinea pigs eat, we are going to show you a very interesting article that will help you find out about it.

What do you need

  • Hay
  • I think
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Whose


  1. They are herbivorous animals, they obtain their food from seeds, cereals, plants, fruits and vegetables, but the proportion of these and the frequency in which they eat will greatly influence their health. Between 70% and 80% of a guinea pig’s feed should be provided with hay or dry grass. This type of food helps you digest your food and should always be present in your life and at your disposal. This food is also necessary because it is corrosive and whose teeth never stop growing, so without the corrosive action of the hay, dental overgrowth could be generated, which is sometimes fatal.
  2. The whole are animals whose digestive system is very different from that of a dog or a cat. Cats and dogs can eat once or twice a day with no problem (unless they have a special problem or need that requires more focus on their eating frequency), but with guinea pigs it is very different. They need to eat hay frequently so that the food can be digested and defecated.
  3. Therefore, we can understand that if the animal does not always have this food within its reach, it could have a constipated intestine, gas generation and eventually death. The problem of not providing constant food to our which can cause it to end up dying or that we have to take it to an emergency veterinary consultation. Clarified this, there are two things that we always have to keep in mind if we want a healthy guinea pig, always ensure that your guinea pig has water and hay within its reach, since it will need both at all times.
  4. To avoid dehydration of your guinea pig, one of the ways you can give them water is with one of those glasses that have a tube on the bottom edge and from where they can get the water whenever they want. Another option is to have a saucer with water, but there is always the problem of the water getting dirty or falling, so the glass or bottle is the best options. You can get this type of attachment for your guinea pig at a pet store.
  5. Another thing of utmost importance is that the vegetables and fruits that we are going to give our guinea pig always have to be clean and dry. Dirty vegetables can cause diseases in your cat, such as diarrhea and excess moisture, which can also harm them, so fruits and vegetables should be clean, dry and at room temperature, never cold, much less hot. It is also important that they are fresh so that they can be eaten, not too green or ripe to the point of being leathery, old or rotten. It should always be food in good condition.
  6. It is preferable that they are unprocessed or modified foods. Even less cooked. If you are one of the people who have orchards or like to plant vegetables, these are ideal to feed it since they have better quality than industrialized foods. Avoid croquettes and produced foods that are sold in stores. Many of these have dairy, plant-based proteins and preservatives, as well as excess sugars which can be harmful to your pet.
  7. Those can consume almost any type of fruits and vegetables, however the way, in which we should give them as well as the frequency, are factors that we must take into account very seriously. Regardless of what type of fruit we are going to give our guinea pig, it is better that we eliminate the seeds because they cannot always eat them and they can get stuck or have difficulty digesting them. In the case of lettuce, celery and parsley, it is preferable not to feed it more than 1 time per week and parsley, it is better to avoid it because it can sometimes be toxic for some people. Avoid potatoes and tubers.
  8. Lettuce, due to its low energy index and its high level of water, can cause diarrhea, so do not give them much lettuce and not more than once a week. If we give them to them, they have to be the greenest lettuces because they provide more nutrients than the rest. We will also avoid giving them fruits daily, once or twice a week with several days apart, they would be appropriate, since they are animals prone to gaining weight and at risk of diabetes, that is why we must moderate their consumption.
  9. The same goes for nuts and seeds. It is better to give them little of these foods because they contain a lot of fat and can increase the level of glucose in the blood of your guinea pig. As a prize to encourage him or occasional meals is a good choice, but remember, not too often. It is better to opt for vegetables, especially if we can provide a little non-spicy red pepper daily, it would be ideal for our guinea pig to obtain vitamin C since it will need it a lot. Even giving him a little orange or tangerine will sometimes help him get vitamins.
  10. Although we have already mentioned that those whose can eat almost all kinds of fruits and vegetables, onions, garlic, leeks, shallots, and other foods of this family can be poisonous for them, so we must avoid them as much as possible, likewise the olives and the avocado for being very greasy. Fungi and mushrooms should also be avoided because they can be toxic. Even less sweets for human consumption such as chocolates or sweets or any type of processed food.
  11. In the case of babies, they are fed for 3 weeks with breast milk; however it is advisable to separate the males from 3 weeks because they can get their mothers pregnant. In case of being an orphaned guinea pig, the ideal is to give it formulated milk. Some veterinarians recommend milk formulated for kittens with a syringe. Guinea pigs are born with teeth, so from a young age, after a while, they will begin to consume hay and vegetables normally.
  12. We may think that feed, which a food is specially made for guinea pigs and other rodents, is the only food we should stick to, but it is not. Although the feed is good, it is best that it only be part of 10% of the guinea pig’s food. Therefore, in a healthy guinea pig, a tablespoon of feed a day supplemented with the aforementioned vegetable foods and the corresponding hay, are the ideal way to take care of the health and nutrition of your guinea pig.
  13. In short, a minimum of 70% of the feed must be hay, 20% vegetables and fruits and 10% feed. Apart from this, the portion of vegetables or fruits that we are going to give it, we can give it at a certain time of the day until the animal does not want any more. We have to remove the leftover vegetables as soon as the animal finishes eating because they can rot and harm it if it eats them in poor condition.


  • Remember that in the event of any mood change such as sadness, inactivity or screeching, you should go to a veterinarian for guidance on the health status of your guinea pig.
  • If you are not sure what fruits to give him, remember that you can always consult that information on the internet or with the help of your most trusted veterinarian.
  • If after the third week the guinea pig still does not consume solid food, you should take it to see a veterinarian.

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