Thursday, March 27, 2025

Where the Turtles Live

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Depending on their classification, turtles can live in fresh or salt water or on land.  Generally, most live near coasts, rivers, or lagoons, but some are also native to dense jungles or deserts. These animals have multiple habitats due to the versatility of their varieties, and the conservation of the species itself depends on the conservation of their environment.

Turtles are very beautiful reptiles with which children like to play a lot because they are very docile animals. Even on television there are many movies and cartoons that teach us about the habitat of turtles.

For example, the series known worldwide as the Ninja Turtles has four large turtles as protagonists, known as Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael. In this curious series, we have been indirectly taught that some turtles live in the sewers of the great city of New York.

This is not true in reality; it is just a fun way to create a series and movie that is very pleasing to young children and adults, as a reference to some pets that are abandoned in big cities. Therefore, it is important to guide people about where turtles live, to try to preserve their habitat, conserve their species and provide them with the best care in captivity.

Causes of death of turtles

Turtles are extremely calm reptilian animals, which is why many of them have ended up being hit by the poppets of large ships, which have caused them great injuries and also, in many cases, death on impact.

Other large turtles end up being caught in the nets of unscrupulous fishermen who kill them to sell their meat. However, most of the turtles die at birth, since they are very small and have many predatory animals that eat them.

Some don’t even hatch, because some animal, like mice or skunks, digs up the eggs to eat them. Fortunately, turtles lay around 150 eggs, depending on their size and species.  This helps a lot for a few hatchlings to survive and grow to their normal size, becoming adult and mature turtles to reproduce.

On the other hand, it is necessary that the turtles have a good alignment before entering the hospitalization stage; because if they are not well fed or well hydrated, they can die from poisoning or dehydration.

Preservation of turtles in captivity

In Spain, when the low winter temperatures arrive, it is necessary to take several measures to improve and preserve the life of the tortoise. Many people have pet turtles, but if you don’t know them thoroughly and how their metabolisms work, they can make you sick or die.

Since we do not want this unfortunate event to happen, to preserve their species, here are some tips to preserve turtles in captivity.

In Europe there are many prevention and preservation programs for turtles. Not only on the coasts, but also in the interior, the reproduction of different species of turtles is promoted. Many times, these programs are being funded by governments and the help of thousands of volunteers who love this beautiful species.

The faithful collaborators, with much love help in the reproduction and incubation of eggs, as well as the distribution of the species throughout the planet. Thus generating much more life, preserving the species and contributing to the global ecosystem.


Next, we will explain some important aspects regarding the environment where the turtles live, so that you take them into account when acquiring one of them as a pet; This, so that you can offer him a suitable habitat for his needs and he can enjoy a quality of life that guarantees his proper development and state of health:

  1. Turtles are animals that have a very slow metabolism and depend on temperatures to live healthy.
  2. Very low temperatures affect them a lot, which is why they generally enter a state of literacy in winter or fall asleep to hibernate.
  3. Turtles are widespread throughout the entire planet earth, adapting each of its species to its environment.
  4. We have species of sea turtles, with many varieties, sizes and different colors.
  5. Naturally, many turtles live in the great seas, in rivers around the world and in millions of natural water lagoons.
  6. On the other hand, we have many species that live on land, in desert areas and in colder areas.
  7. Also, they can live on all the coasts and beaches of the world, including many islands that receive them every year to lay their eggs.
  8. It is very important that you know that when winter approaches, gopher tortoises bury themselves completely to complete their hibernation cycle.
  9. To hibernate, some make deep caves; this is to maintain a suitable temperature, not as cold as the surface.
  10. On the other hand, sometimes the turtles enter torpor in caves on the surface of the earth, but these are sometimes affected by the rains and quickly move from one place to continue with their process.
  11. The water turtles, when they are in arctic places, try to swim under the thread and reach depths where the water is at adequate temperatures so that their metabolism works well, since the cold can collapse them and cause them to die.
  12. If you are collaborating with the environment and have turtles in your home, you must take several precautions to have a good habitat so that your spoiled reptile has a good quality of life and, if possible, manages to reproduce in captivity.
  13. The first thing you should take into account is if you have her living outside your house or inside it. Remember that the cold of winter will affect you a lot.
  14. You must be aware that the land turtles dig some holes that turn them into their caves, being totally buried. Many people think that the turtles escaped or got lost leaving the house, but this is not the case.
  15. As a solution to the previous problem, we recommend you make a cave outside with a wooden box filled with a lot of soft soil so that they bury themselves and do not lose sight of them.
  16. If the temperatures are too low, we recommend that you bring it inside your house and place it in a box and cover it with a cloth.
  17. You must be sure that your turtle does not lack water before putting it in the box because it can become dehydrated and lose a lot of weight.
  18. If your turtle is dehydrated, you will know it because its eyes usually become very sunken and dull.
  19. Another symptom is that your skin looks very dry and cracked and your colors very dull; in addition, this condition causes a lot of weakness to the animal.
  20. Likewise, you must be aware that you have a diet with many fibers and many vitamins, to withstand the cold.
  21. The most appropriate thing is that you give him before he goes into torpor many chopped carrots and strawberries so that his intestines are healthy.
  22. If the turtle goes into torpor in the winter with food that is not suitable, then it can have a lot of gas in the intestines.
  23. These gases can accumulate, causing a lot of pain and discomfort in your turtle;  causing it to become weaker and May even loses its life.
  24. You also have to be aware of their eyes and nose, because sometimes they get sick from the cold and release a lot of secretions.
  25. To improve this, you should be giving him baths at least once a day before going to sleep at night with warm water.

What do you need:

Some things you need to keep turtles in captivity are:

  • Warm water.
  • Carrots.
  • Strawberries.
  • Natural water.
  • Land.
  • Thermometer.
  • Cardboard boxes.
  • Wooden box.
  • Lettuce.
  • Fabrics or covers.


Here are some tips to keep your turtle healthy and have a good habitat.

  • If it’s raining outside your house, place your turtle in a high place where it won’t get too wet.
  • If your turtle is inside your house in a wooden box or crate, place a thermometer to regulate its temperature.
  • If the place is very cold, try to make a terrarium with a lot of sand so that it is buried and kept at a good temperature.
  • If your turtle is a water turtle, you can place a water heater so that you have it at temperatures of more or less than 30 degrees Celsius.
  • Remember that the temperature of his body makes his organs work well and that he can hibernate healthily and calmly.

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